Barry: Maybe we should have not bought all of that stuff!!!
Rod: Hey, you were the one who wanted the recliner.
Barry: Me? What about you and the Susan Lucci Cosmetics. They are for human females!
Rod: It thought I could use them for Halloween this year and be the Joker.
Barry: Wrong kind of makeup, laser brain!
Rod: The crystal pieces looked wonderful.
Barry: Oh, yeah. Now you say that after telling me they could be spare parts for the ship!
Rod: And all of the gold pieces of jewelry…
Barry: Which you said we could use to fancy up the cockpit.
Rod: We got a great bargain on the luggage.
Barry: Which we certainly didn’t need for this. Face it, Rod, you’re addicted.
Rod: No I’m not.
Barry: Yes you are. You sat there, seeing all this stuff and you could not resist it.
Rod: Yes I could resist it. I didn’t buy the exercise equipment.
Barry: Which you could actually use!
Rod: Watch it there, Pudgy!
Barry: Hey, you are hooked. You are just like the guy in the Robocop movies who always said, “I’ll buy that for a dollar!”
Rod: I didn’t say that… was always several dollars.
Barry: Well, you were right on one thing
Rod: What’s that?
Barry: We’d get some new bracelets.
Rod: One of these days, Barry………