Rod: I thought she could take a joke.
Barry: Like she did the time before this, and the time before that, and the time….
Rod: I get the picture!
Barry: So help me, I’m going to get an Earth canine silencing device to shut your mouth!
Rod: You mean one of those zapper things that go off when an Earth canine barks?
Barry: Yeah! All I have to do is bark and you get zapped!
Rod: You aren’t getting it to silence me. You’re getting it to torture me!
Barry: Now, you are getting the picture.
Rod: WAIT A MINUTE! Why are we fighting over this? I know what caused this and it wasn’t me.
Barry: It wasn’t you? Okay, I’ve got to hear this….who did it?
Rod: Kevin Pareira!
Barry: <dumbfounded expression on his face> Pareira? How did HE cause this?
Rod: He has been such a persistent foe, I was distracted when SHE called. I thought it was a recording.
Barry: That is such a lame, stupid excuse……..and it’s probably true.
Rod: It is! He had me so distracted that I didn’t see the live transmission signal thus it is his fault!
Barry: Okay, you’ve figured out who caused this. Now, what do we do about it?
Rod: Well, before we got into this revolting situation, I had contacted an organization to help us destroy Mr. Pareira.
Barry: Who? The A-Team?
Rod: No! We don’t need good guys for this. We need people who are sneaky, destructive, full of bad intentions……
Barry: So who did you call? The Internal Revenue Service?
Rod: No, I called the one group that even they fear…….The Evil League of Evil.
Barry: You’re right, you did get the worst group possible. What did they say?
Rod: They recommended that we adopt a slogan for our plan to destroy Pariera.
Barry: And what was that?
Barry: WWDHD………WWDHD………..Rod, what possible good would a World Wide Dial Home Device do? This is not Stargate Universe!
Rod: Not that, laser brain! What Would Doctor Horrible Do?
Barry: Doctor Horrible………..<grins>………Doctor Horrible!
<The boys erupt in very EVIL laughs!>